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All you need to know about your GSD eating potting soil

Do you have a problem with your GSD eating potting soil? Find out why your dog is eating dirt and some of the best solutions. Also, learn how keeping your german shepherd busy can go a long way to preventing them from eating soil.

Why is your GSD eating potting soil?

German shepherds are quite a special breed of dogs. Unlike many pets, these dogs are known to be intelligent. Some are even working with soldiers in the military. As exciting as they sound, many people have to deal with GSD-eating potting soil. While this may be usual to others, it may be a new experience for you, which is why you are here. It is safe to say that GSD eating soil is nothing strange, and there can be a lot of reasons why including;

Boredom and lack of action

You might find it hard to keep a german shepherd if you are not fun. As already mentioned, these dogs are full of energy they need to direct at something. Therefore, ensuring your dog is not bored is always good. Note that, other than eating dirt, german shepherds can become destructive when they get bored. Luckily enough, there are plenty of things that you can do to keep your dog active.

One of them is organizing regular walks, more so in the evenings. Walking your german shepherd can also be healthy since it helps you exercise. You can also engage your dog in active games like playing fetch or gliding a frisbee. You can find more inspiration on how to keep your dog busy online.

GSD eating potting soil for nutrition

Nutrition is vital for any living thing, including your german shepherd. Therefore, it is good to know that dirt contains crucial nutrients like Potassium. Unfortunately, your dog could be eating potting soil because it needs a substitute source of nutrients like Potassium. However, you can attempt to stop this behavior by serving your german shepherd foods rich in Potassium or relevant nutrients in the soil.

I highly recommend feeding your dog the proper diet and giving it enough water. On top of providing it with the appropriate nutrition for a healthy dog, adequate feeding will make your dog healthy and active to perform any of its tasks.

An attractive smell like food on the soil

To match their hyperactive nature, german shepherds are quite the eaters. If a piece of juicy steak fell on the ground a while ago, the smell is enough to get your GSD to eat dirt. You should also know that the soil is full of microorganisms, producing an attractive scent to your german shepherd. If this happens, your dog is hungry, and you should get it some food immediately.

You can also prevent your dog from eating dirt by keeping it away from places where there can be food leftovers on the ground. It also means that you should keep your GSD away from grounds where there has been a barbecue, and the area still smells like roasted meat.

Your german shepherd can have an upset stomach.

It is clear that when your dog is eating soil, you should consider that as communication. That is because your dog may be going through a lot of pain due to a stomach upset. Know that dirt can soothe stomach upset in german shepherds and even ease digestion. Animals rely on the soil when dealing with problems within the digestive system.

If your dog uses dirt to make them feel better, it should not be a habit because stomach upset is not common in dogs unless they have eaten something wrong. However, if you realize that your dog keeps eating dirt regularly, you may want to broaden your investigation.

Dangers of GSD eating potting dirt

There is more to your german eating potting dirt apart from destroying your plants. For starters, your dog can get ill from overeating dirt. While dirt is known to help animals with digestive problems, too much dirt is not safe. Remember that dirt can contain stones which can be a big problem for your dog. On top of that, dirt is dirt, and harmful bacteria and parasites are expected to be present. Too much dirt in your dog’s digestive system can mean parasite infestation.

Typically, german shepherds were never meant to eat dirt according to their dental formula and mouth. Dirt is complex and can easily cause mouth wounds for your beloved dog. As a result, your dog may not be able to eat well even if they are presented with decent dog food. The long-term effects will be your dog being malnourished. Too much dirt can also mean poisoning for your dog, mainly if a rotting smell on the soil attracts it. Rotting is usually accompanied by millions and millions of bacteria that can cause your dog’s poisoning.

What to do when your German shepherd eats dirt

You should only get concerned about your GSD eating dirt if it has become a habit. However, since there can be so many reasons for your GSD eating potting soil, you may want to consider consulting a vet for a much faster diagnosis. This will save you time, but it will improve the chances of saving the life of your GSD.

If you are sure why your dog may be eating dirt, you should not hesitate to take care of the problem. That is because you want to avoid further complications with dogs eating dirt. If your potting soil seems to have become your dog’s favorite meal, and you can move it to a safer location, you should start.

How to tell that a german shepherd is eating dirt

Perhaps your dog is eating dirt, and you don’t know about it yet. To help you see the truth, you must study how your dog behaves. One of the first giveaways is the general health of your german shepherd. Eating dirt will mess with your dog’s nutrition, which leads to bad health. You may also notice that your dog’s mouth is often dirty. Another easy way of knowing if your dog eats dirt is by looking at its poop. Another sign could be a hole or holes in the yard.

Bottom line

As much as dirt can be safe for your german shepherd, you should know that the risks are much higher. There are plenty of reasons your dog is eating dirt. The only way to prevent any occurrence is by making regular trips to the vet. Then, any problem can be identified on time, and the necessary precautions are taken. You will also need to keep your dog busy with games; investing in accessories like chew toys is a great way to ensure that your dog is not idle enough to eat dirt.